The year 2020, when coronavirus outbreak brought global sports to a halt, Chinese Professional Baseball League became the first professional baseball league to start the season. While the games played without fan, Uni-President Lions, CTBC Brothers, Rakuten Monkeys, Fubon Guardians are still trying their best to keep fans warm during the baseball winter.
富邦悍將今年聘請前Lamigo總教頭洪一中坐鎮富邦,將教練團重組大洗牌。洪一中為四支球隊現任總教頭中最具有執教經驗的總教練。在Lanew 和Lamigo任教的15年中帶領球隊拿下7次總冠軍,其中包括Lamigo三連霸王朝。然而,因為Lamigo新東家樂天無法開出複數年合約而轉往富邦悍將任職,與徒弟曾豪駒的每一場對決都充滿話題。
悍將今年打出「It's Time」的口號,找回去年球季最殺投手索沙(Henry Sosa)補強。索沙去年球季成績斐然,12場先發當中有8次勝投,其中包括去年5月7號對戰中信兄弟所投出的完投完封勝。捕手方面拉拔2018年季中選手第一指名的新星戴培峰。戴培峰積極以打擊和守備能力爭取先發,生涯首轟於4月17日在桃園棒球場擊出。
Fubon Guardians
Fubon Guardians are formerly known as Jungo Bears, Sinon Bulls, and Eda Rhinos, they play their home games at XinZhuang Baseball Stadium in the New Taipei City. They have won 3 championships in the franchise history, last won in the 2016, after E United Group announced they will sell the team to Fubon Financial Holding Co. after season ended.
During the pandemic, Guardians setup cheering banners gathered from fans on the stand behind the home team dugout to show their supports for the team.
Guardians hired former Lamigo Monkeys manager Hong I-Chung (洪一中) to helm the team, and overhauled the whole coaching staff this year. Hong is the most experienced active manger in CPBL, in 15 years managing La New Bears and Lamigo Monkeys, he brought home 884 wins and 7 championships for the franchise, both are CPBL manager records. However after Rakuten purchased Monkeys, new ownership didn’t offer him a multi-year contract, he decided to pursue other opportunities.
This season Guardians brought back Dominican pitcher Henry Sosa, he won 8 games in 12 starts last season, including a 2-hit shutout win against Brothers in May 7. As for the positon players, first overall pick in the 2018 draft, Dai Pei-Feng (戴培峰) has shown his potential in 8 games while competing for starting catcher job this season, hit his first career home run in April 17.
有暴力猿之稱的樂天桃猿,歷經前東家第一金剛、La New熊、Lamigo桃猿至今,於5月2日完成隊史千勝里程碑。自家主場桃園棒球場新增設了一三壘側的rock seat和以桃園各行政區名稱命名的包廂席,給球迷不一樣的看球感受。
易主前剛完成三連霸成就的樂天桃猿在「龍貓」曾豪駒總教練的帶領下,戰績目前獨占鰲頭。曾豪駒曾為樂天前身La New熊隊元老級主力外野手,2014年在原球隊卸下球員身分轉任打擊教練一職。新東家元年隨著洪一中離隊而挑起大樑,帶領球隊於開季拉開一波7連勝紀錄創下隊史最佳。
投手方面以奪下4月份投手MVP的「姊姊」王溢正表現最穩定,加上有隊友得分平均達到14分的「愛姊姊打線」助威下,以3勝並列勝投王。王溢正生涯至今最令球迷印象深刻的便是2015年冠軍賽第5場帶著背水一戰使命掛帥先發對戰中信兄弟投出完投勝,帶領球隊逆轉戰況的熱血。最終兩隊激戰到第7場由當時王溢正所屬的Lamigo monkeys拿下年度總冠軍。
Rakuten Monkeys
In the franchise’s 18th season, after went though First Financial Holdings Agan, La New Bears, and Lamigo Monkeys era, Rakuten Monkeys became the fourth franchise in CPBL history to ever won 1000 games in May 2 this year.
Rakuten bought the Monkeys from Lamigo last year, new ownership decided that they would continue to play home games at Taoyuan International Baseball Stadium. Under rookie manger Tseng Hao-Chu (曾豪駒), the 3-time defending champion started the new season with a league record 7 consecutive wins, currently sits atop of the league with 11 wins and 3 loses record.
Monkeys’ productive batting lineup is leading by the “Dimple Cannon” Chu Yu-Hsien (朱育賢), the 2015 7th round draft pick hit 10 home runs in the first 13 games he played this season, broke an 11-year old record set by former Monkey player Lin Chih-Sheng (林智勝).
In the starting rotation, Wang I-Cheng (王溢正) leads the team with 3 wins, tied for most wins in the league, with 2.79 ERA and aided by a run support of 14 runs per outing, he won the league’s April MVP pitcher of the month award.